About me

About me

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In Europe - especially in Germany - the future-oriented concept of functional medicine is still quite unknown. The pioneer in this field is the USA, whose great interest is to free its inhabitants from obesity and chronic diseases, or to prevent them.

The difference to conventional medicine is that in functional medicine, the question of "why" - i.e. the root cause of a disease or complaint - is asked and not only the symptoms are treated.

When our daughter suddenly developed skin rashes and unexplained lymph gland inflammation at the age of 7, conventional medicine offered relief through antibiotic and cortisone treatments - but no cure.

No mother likes to see her child suffer, so I looked for solutions, asked myself "why" and came across functional medicine in my research, their impact and success stories.

When we changed the diet within our family and consistently integrated anti-inflammatory foods into the diet, not only our daughter suddenly improved. All of a sudden, we were no longer suffering from complaints that we had simply resigned ourselves to until then, such as migraines, joint pain and my abdominal pain.

And superfluous kilos melted away in my case.

From that time on, the interest in the influence of supposedly healthy foods and hidden food additives on the body never left me. The regular exchange with a Functional Medicine physician in Corvallis (Oregon, USA) about current research results on the effects of food on the human body finally led me to complete the training as a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach. This training was developed in cooperation with the Institute for Functional Medicine in Washington.

During this training, I learned that our diet - in combination with sensible stress management and a healthy lifestyle - has a significant influence on our state of health and that health is in our hands.

Nothing is as true as the statement of the Greek physician Hippocrates from the 4th century BC:

"Your food shall be your remedies, and your remedies shall be your food."


PS: Our entire family lives healthy and full of energy nowadays - by enjoying the right foods
       and leaving out the "wrong" foods.

How can we make your life healthier?
Please feel free to call me and let us find out together. Mobile: +49 177 7373233

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